Saturday, December 29, 2007

Another professional discovers LifeRing

Received at the LifeRing Service Center today:

I am thrilled to learn of the existence of your organization. I am a Treatment professional that deals every day with patients who have been failed by "old-school" treatment modalities, and completely alienated by 12-step groups. Many of them are legally mandated to attend "sobriety-based self-help groups" but have no options other than AA, etc. or some extremely fundamentalist religious groups. There are a few SMART recovery groups around, but not enough. My particular position allows me to specialize in one-on-one counseling with patients who come through emergency room interventions and might not otherwise access help. I utilize a totally strength-based counseling method, which is obviously completely in alignment with your philosophy.

I would like to get my free copy of "Presenting Lifering" so I can begin to distribute it among my colleagues and possibly support some of my successful patients in forming a group of their own.

My Agency is called [...]. I will be looking at solutions to get my company to invest in a full complement of your literature as a healthy alternative to AA. [...]

Thanks so much. I am excited to get started in expanding Lifering.

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